What Herbal Tea is Good For Inflammation?

Tea can be an excellent tool to ease inflammation caused by sore muscles and joints or chronic conditions like arthritis..

what herbal tea is good for inflammation

Tea can be an excellent tool to ease inflammation caused by sore muscles and joints or chronic conditions like arthritis. Herbal tea contains numerous herbs and ingredients known to ease symptoms, such as ginger, turmeric, rose hips, chamomile and more – while its high concentration of antioxidants boosts your immune system and can reduce oxidative stress that contributes to chronic inflammation.

Diet and exercise can both help to decrease inflammation, but herbal tea is an easy and tasty way to reap both these advantages. There are numerous methods of making tea-from green smoothies to golden milk-so you’re sure to find your ideal combination!

What Tea Is Best for Inflammation? While there are numerous kinds of tea available, the ideal blend for inflammation would contain ginger and turmeric as these two herbs act as powerful anti-inflammatories that can relieve pain and swelling. Another good choice would be hibiscus tea as it has been found effective at decreasing cortisol levels within the body – an increase can cause high blood pressure or blood clots.

Herbal teas can contain other powerful healing ingredients, like licorice root which has long been recognized for helping reduce inflammation while adding a unique sweetness to any blend. Green tea in particular contains polyphenols which can protect the body against oxidative stress while fighting inflammation at its source.

Traditional Medicinals Tea, Organic Turmeric with Meadowsweet & Ginger, Olinda Turmeric Ginger & Ginseng Herbal Tea, Lemongrass Chamomile Calendula Herbal Tea (Lemongrass Chamomile Calendula Calendula Herbal Tea), Herbacil Arnica Tea and Sing Your Song Herbal Tea are among the top herbal teas available to treat inflammation. Each one of these products uses only premium ingredients free from artificial additives or preservatives – the ideal herbal treatment!

Inflammation is a natural part of our immune response system, but too much inflammation can be harmful. Therefore, drinking inflammation-fighting teas as part of an overall wellness plan that includes eating healthily, exercising regularly and managing stress should be part of any wellness strategy. Furthermore, consulting a medical professional for help managing inflammation may be worthwhile in providing you with a strategy for optimal health outcomes.