Can You Drink Herbal Tea During Pregnancy?

As any pregnant woman knows, there are certain things she cannot do while expecting. Some of these include avoiding certain.

can you drink herbal tea during pregnancy

As any pregnant woman knows, there are certain things she cannot do while expecting. Some of these include avoiding certain foods and beverages like coffee and soda that could potentially have harmful effects on her unborn baby, such as caffeine and soda. Some find drinking herbal tea soothing their nausea and getting extra nutrition without overdoing it – the answer to the question of can you drink herbal tea during pregnancy is dependent upon both type of herb consumed as well as quantity consumed.

Many pregnant women turn to herbal tea as a soothing beverage during the first trimester of their pregnancies, particularly the first two weeks. Unfortunately, not all forms of herbal tea are safe for expecting mothers; in some instances it could even cause harm. Before sipping too much herbal tea it’s essential that you research and speak to health care professional before increasing consumption.

Generalized herbal tea consumption is generally safe in moderation; however, as always, consult with a health care provider prior to beginning any new beverage consumption. According to FDA recommendations, no more than 300 milligrams of caffeine should be consumed daily from black or green tea; most herbal teas only contain 25-45 milligrams, or half as much.

Before choosing to prepare or purchase herbal tea, always carefully inspect its ingredients. In general, herbal tea is created by steeping plant roots, stems, leaves or flowers in boiling water for five to fifteen minutes; maceration or decoction processes involve submerging plants in cold or hot water for several hours prior to steeping them in hot water for steeping.

Sage and chamomile may help induce labor while others like rhubarb and fennel can increase the risk of miscarriage; and eucalyptus can alter a baby’s heartbeat rate. If you have any queries about which tea may best suit you, consult your doctor or maternal child health nurse.

Lacking adequate research on herbal teas and their effects during pregnancy, there remain questions as to which ones are safe to consume while expecting. Some teas have received greater scrutiny, including lemon balm, chamomile and ginger; all three are widely believed to be suitable for expecting mothers.

Other herbal teas commonly recommended to pregnant women include licorice, borage and gotu kola; all three may be considered safe in small doses during gestation; however, they haven’t been thoroughly evaluated yet. Red raspberry leaf and nettle tea may promote uterine contractions; therefore consult your healthcare provider before consuming in large amounts. Also remember to avoid herbal teas with stevia as this has been linked with birth defects.