What Herbal Tea is Safe to Drink While Pregnant?

Alternative medicine health care providers frequently advise drinking tea during pregnancy in order to ensure optimal pregnancy health and ease.

Alternative medicine health care providers frequently advise drinking tea during pregnancy in order to ensure optimal pregnancy health and ease some of its discomforts. Although most herbal teas can be safely enjoyed during pregnancy in reasonable amounts, it’s essential that women be aware of which varieties may present potential threats to themselves and their unborn babies. Certain teas contain ingredients that can increase menstruation and cause uterine contractions that could potentially lead to miscarriage or preterm labor, including peppermint, chamomile, motherwort, borage pennyroyal thyme. Diet and cleansing teas containing herbs like parsley sage may not be safe during pregnancy either.

Non-herbal teas are produced using roots, berries, seeds, flowers, and leaves from other plants that don’t originate with Camellia sinensis; also referred to as “black” or “green” tea. Although they typically contain caffeine which pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to limit or avoid, most non-herbal teas have very little caffeine and should be enjoyed in moderation during gestation or breastfeeding.

Herbal teas are composed of herbs, seeds, or roots used therapeutically, although their individual safety profiles remain unclear and rarely tested in large doses. Pregnant women should only consume tea made with herbs known for being safe at higher dosage levels during gestation.

Ginger, chamomile and lavender herbal teas are among the safest choices to drink during pregnancy; these soothing teas may help ease nausea, reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep and relaxation. Fennel and licorice teas may also be safe options. It is wise to avoid teas known for having uterotonic properties which could induce contractions such as pennyroyal, thyme, sage mugwort vervain borage as these could induce contractions that cause contractions of your uterus.

Some teas may be safe in small doses for pregnant women to drink due to their uterotonic properties: fennel, chamomile and lavender are three examples. Other herbal teas that should not be consumed during pregnancy due to potential miscarriage or reproductive problems include tansy, motherwort lovage black cohosh and even large amounts of chamomile (for instance).