What Herbal Tea is Good For Inflammation?

Tea contains powerful polyphenols that help neutralize free radicals that contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, as.

Tea contains powerful polyphenols that help neutralize free radicals that contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, as well as compounds that disrupt this pathway by decreasing production of proinflammatory cytokines that trigger it. Some tea varieties have even been known to help ease pain associated with inflammation conditions.

When selecting a tea for inflammation, look for one with anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as turmeric root. Turmeric root has long been used to combat inflammation and relieve its accompanying pain; it’s often combined with ginger in herbal tea blends like our Organic Turmeric with Meadowsweet and Ginger Tea blend. Another popular anti-inflammatory ingredient is chamomile, an ancient flower used in Ayurveda medicine since centuries.

Black tea is another true tea that can help alleviate inflammation. It undergoes extended oxidation processes that give it its characteristic rich brown hue and robust flavor. According to research cited by The Arthritis Foundation, drinking black tea regularly may reduce inflammation at the cellular level by alleviating symptoms associated with arthritis and other chronic diseases.

Rooibos tea is another effective means of combatting inflammation. Originating in South Africa, this caffeine-free drink boasts multiple health advantages including anti-inflammatory benefits and can even inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes and decrease oxidative stress levels.

Matcha green tea is another fantastic way to combat inflammation with a cup of tea. Packed full of antioxidants – particularly catechins – Matcha can reduce inflammation while protecting cells against damage by protecting from free radicals and protecting from oxidation damage.

Peppermint tea makes an enjoyable addition to any diet thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It has long been recognized for calming stomach discomfort and relieving headaches caused by inflammation. Furthermore, its rich phenols and flavonoids inhibit cyclooxygenase enzyme activity, thereby decreasing inflammation levels.

Beyond selecting an anti-inflammatory tea, it’s also essential that it is steeped properly for maximum benefits. Follow the recommended steeping time and temperature for each variety, and avoid adding sugar as this can erode many of its healthful compounds. Before including herbal tea as part of your daily regimen, always consult a healthcare provider first as certain herbs or spices could interfere with medications or exacerbate health conditions.