What is Herbal Tea Good For?

If you’re hoping to lose weight, fight off colds or just relax before bed, herbal tea may be just what’s.

If you’re hoping to lose weight, fight off colds or just relax before bed, herbal tea may be just what’s needed. Also known as tisane, herbal tea combines herbs, fruits, seeds, roots, flowers and other plant material steeped in hot water for hours until ready for drinking. Unlike true tea from Camellia sinensis plants like Camellia sinensis, herbal varieties are caffeine-free while providing health-promoting properties.

People often include herbal tea in their wellness routine to aid digestion, combat colds and induce sleep. But what exactly are its health benefits? Depending on which variety is brewed, herbal tea can offer everything from cardiovascular support and immunity boosters to improved skin and better bowel movement.

Ginger tea’s benefits for nausea and digestive health are numerous, thanks to the active compound gingerol it contains. Furthermore, drinking this beverage helps relieve bloating and indigestion by speeding up the body’s natural digestive processes and moving food through your system faster.

Peppermint tea can help relieve symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), such as bloating, stomach pain and cramps as well as muscle soreness caused by stress in the gut. Peppermint essential oil has the power to calm symptoms associated with IBS by relaxing muscles and relieving abdominal pressure.

Chamomile tea is another herbal remedy with many proven benefits for anxiety reduction and relaxation, making it easier to fall into restful slumber. Furthermore, its use has also been known to alleviate seasonal allergies as well as menstrual symptoms.

Hiriscus tea contains antioxidants said to lower blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health, fighting oxidative stress and helping prevent complications caused by diabetes.

Mushroom teas, which have also become increasingly popular, contain an abundance of essential nutrients that support endurance and strengthen immunity. Furthermore, they may help prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and fight bacterial and viral infections.

Though most herbal teas are generally considered safe, it’s important to be aware that some may contain chemicals which could potentially contribute to hormonal imbalance, dizziness or skin rashes; or worsen allergy symptoms. Therefore, it may be prudent to consult your physician prior to drinking herbal tea, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are taking certain medications.

What herbal tea can do depends entirely on its ingredients; therefore, it’s always wise to select brewed teas over instant mixes which may contain large quantities of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Start brewing your own healthy tea by choosing organic dried herbs or green tea bags, which tend to be less processed. Fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables are widely available at most grocery stores as well as health-focused tea shops; when purchasing store-bought herbal tea, be aware of hidden calories or chemical additives on its label if buying store-bought varieties; alternatively try rooibos or rosehip tea which have been shown to actively aid weight loss!